Deprecating Priduck (Priduck Color Theme)
Sometimes, a path of development leads to a dead end. In this case, Priduck was written to create a more dynamic color theme based on a single color that was spread evenly around the color wheel using LCH colors.
The idea was to support the bi-chromatic covers of Fedran which every point-of-view was assigned a color and it used a complementary color for accents. In our heads, it would create a striking display and would clearly identify books within a series easily.
It was also too limiting. The current plan is to use a more static color scheme, in specific Reasonable Colors and allow a full gamut of colors on the book covers.
That decision meant that this project doesn't make sense anymore. That isn't to say it doesn't have useful components in it, so it isn't going to be deleted from the repository.
It might be resurrected in the future, it might not. We also a little vain, so if someone finds a compelling need to use these things and doesn't want to fork it (please do), then things might change.
But for the time being, development on this project has ceased.